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Collection of Ideas for MyTherapy

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2 results found

  1. Make it so we can use our laptops/computers to enter data, some of us struggle to type on small screens like a mobile phone.

    Let us have an account on our computers that will link with our mobile phone/tablet (both) so we can add information from their. I personally work better and much faster on my computer/laptop than I can type on my mobile phone or tablet.

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    declined  ·  Simone responded

    Thanks a lot for your message. We are always happy with new ideas and feedback. We believe that a PC app is a very interesting idea and we can see how it can be useful. Sadly, we do not have the development capacity at the moment to implement this idea. But even if we cannot for on it in the near future, we would love to hear from you again in case you have further comments or ideas (

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    declined  ·  Tabea von MyTherapy responded

    제안 해 주셔서 감사합니다. 현재 MyTherapy에 이러한 기능을 통합 할 수있는 방법은 없습니다. 그러나 우리는 원칙적으로 그것을 배제하고 싶지 않습니다. 따라서이 아이디어에 투표 할 수있는 기회를 계속 제공하고자합니다.

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