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  1. possibilità di posticipare le assunzioni successive se la prima dose è stata assunta in ritardo o prima e deve essere rispettato un interval  ·  gathering feedback

  2. Change how ro add a new drug. Change the way the inventory reports data.

  3. possibilità di impostare mezza compresse e step di 30 gg impostando la data di partenza  ·  completed

  4. betrifft statistik für blutdruck eine spalte/kurve für die medikamentierung einfügen, für den blutdruck u.d.medikamentendosierung  ·  under review

  5. if a med is skipped for any reason should have a data box to enter reason

  6. Sarebbe utile avere una funzione che permette di inserire l'assunzione già effettuata di un farmaco prima di aver iniziato ad usare l'app.  ·  under review

  7. Een mogelijkheid om medicijnen in te voeren van eerdere dagen, weken e.d zodat eventuele andere medicatieapp overbodig wordt.

  8. Merci d'ajouter dans symptômes "extrasystoles" différent de palpitations....De même dans résultats laboratoires, il manque sodium et potassi

  9. Chciałbym prosić żeby w zakładce gdzie wpisuję ciśnienie krwi gdzie jest "Wartość", "Data", "Godzina" dodać zakładkę "Uwagi".

  10. Da ich Daten für meine Frau u n d für mich verwalten muß, wäre es ideal, wenn die App mandantenfähig wäre!

  11. paaston seuranta

  12. Prévoir un bouton de réapprovisionnement d'un médicament. Il suffirait de dire combien de comprimés pour mettre le stock à jour.

  13. perhaps consider adding a "notes" section for things that might make throw treatments or measurement data for remembering

  14. uma planilha organizada por data e com 4 medições antes cafe antes almoço anres cafe da tarde antes da janta

  15. Hi, I'd like to actually record the time the medication has been taken, ie when I confirm the notification on my phone.

  16. To enter vial option is dosage section, for example if someone is taking vit D3 supplement in a standard bottle dose

  17. Maak bekend de plaats van gewicht en bloeddruk kan het niet vinden in de inhoud?

  18. Gruppierung nach Mahlzeiten

  19. the "x times per day" could allow to specify the number of repetitions per day, start time and end time, calculating dose times automaticall

  20. can you add connectivity with apps like omron connect or Samsung health?

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