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  1. Implement importing Medisafe records (pills, measurements etc.)  ·  declined

  2. możliwość wpisania początku terapii ze wsteczną datą

  3. Please add the ability to increase a medication dose on a schedule, in the same entry.  ·  under review

  4. Be able to monitor food intake as part of a IBD recovery

  5. qu'il soit possible d'ajouter un rappel vocal au choix de l'utilisateur.

  6. Please mark the time and let users review the times when they actually press the "confirm" button, not just when a dose was scheduled

  7. I have a med reminder for 25 days/5 days paused, but I'd like to align it with the date of the month (6 days paused on months with 31 days)  ·  under review

  8. il serais bon de pouvoir mémoriser les doses d'insuline prise par le patient...

  9. in medicine data a option to take pic of medicine strip or bottel  ·  under review

  10. ajout d'une activité "sophrologie"  ·  gathering feedback

  11. allow upload of pictures of meds the elderly can then I'd the proper meds

  12. adicionar acompanhamento de relatório de atividade intestinal. Com data, hora consistência, aspectos, foto

  13. Sollte mit "HealthCoach-App", (m)einem Handgelenk-Blutdruckmessgerät und meinem Crosstrainer "HORIZON ANDES 7i", kompatibel vernetzt sein.  ·  under review

  14. It would be very nice if I could import my old data for one of my treatments as well as my weight measurements, e.g. via CSV file.

  15. Huawei version

  16. possibilité d'utiliser les capteurs de la montre connectée pour les Mesures cardiaques etc...  ·  gathering feedback

  17. I'd like to have the ability to arrange the medication order by dragging and dropping

  18. A note field on the record screens.

  19. Ability to delete hidden progress data. I have multiple spelling I used over time and have duplicate entries by different names.

  20. avoir la date d'ordonnance  ·  gathering feedback

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