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Collection of Ideas for MyTherapy

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125 results found

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  3. Аритмия

    Добавить чекбокс "Аритмия" в измерение артериального давления. Современные тонометры показывают аритмию при измерении, а зафиксировать это негде, нет ни чекбокса, ни поля для комментария.

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  4. How about creating an "Allergy" content area, and if you have a lock on your app, create an Emergency access to just Drug Allergies and Meds

    It is pertinent to have vital information on-hand, such as drug allergies and an available medication. If a person's app has a code, allowing the entrance of a possibly life- saving person is crucial. Create like a 'red' Emergency button access to the app, listing only vital allergy, medications and body stats.

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    Thanks for your suggestion! We will put forward this idea and discuss its feasibility with our team. We will get back to you as soon as we have more news.

  5. Integrate medical info r/t meds...

    Meds are always linked to a particular DX; sometimes they are prescribed for off label conditions. In my opinion, a person should be absolutely clear on the DX and related medications, preferably before they leave the doctor's office.

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    declined  ·  Tabea von MyTherapy responded

    Thanks for your suggestion! Unfortunately, we are unable to integrate this specific suggestion. However, nothing is certain so we will therefore leave this entry in the list so that others can continue to vote for this.

  6. espaço para anotar e controlar vacinas, tipo de vacinas, data tomada e próxima data.

    Controle de Vacinas

    space to record and control vaccinations, vaccine type, date taken, and next date.

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    Obrigado por sua sugestão! Apresentaremos essa ideia e discutiremos sua viabilidade com nossa equipe. Entraremos em contato assim que tivermos mais novidades.

  7. Заполнение "команды"

    "Команду" можно было бы выбрать из списка контактов. Врача точно из контактов нужно. Экономит вр
    емя для заполнения

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    Спасибо за ваше предложение! Мы выдвинем эту идею и обсудим ее целесообразность с нашей командой. Мы свяжемся с вами, как только у нас будет больше новостей.

  8. Be more lgbtq friendly and add more options to the gender questuon

    Be more lgbtq friendly and add more options to the gender questuon

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    Thanks for your suggestion! We will put forward this idea and discuss its feasibility with our team. We will get back to you as soon as we have more news.

  9. wprowadzić dodatkowy parametr leku - datę ważności. można wtedy w aplikacji przechowywać swój stan apteczki

    plus przypomnienie o zbliżającej się dacie przeterminowania leku. np. 3 miesiące wcześniej

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    under review  ·  Simone responded

    Drogi użytkowniku MyTherapy,

    Dziękuję za Twoją wiadomość. Zawsze chętnie otrzymujemy informacje zwrotne. Niestety, ta sugestia nie jest zgodna z naszymi priorytetami i nie będziemy w stanie pracować nad nią w najbliższej przyszłości. Jednak cenimy Twój wkład. Jeśli masz więcej pytań lub komentarzy, daj nam znać.

    Z poważaniem.

  10. Seria bom a opção d trocar o ícone do remédio, ajuda caso haja mais de uma opção d remédio a tomar. Também de pôr a foto do remédio no lugar

    Quando cadastrado, aparece um ícone de comprimido invocando remédio, seria bom poder trocar esta opção, pra pôr, por exemplo, outro tipo de comprimido, ou frasco de líquido, ou conta gotas... No meu caso, é um xarope, seria interessante ter um ícone de frasco. Ou também, para facilitar, poder pôr a imagem do remédio (foto) no lugar do ícone, se a pessoa quiser.

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    under review  ·  Simone responded

    Obrigado pela sua mensagem. Achamos que esta é uma ideia interessante e podemos ver como isso pode ser útil. Vamos compartilhá-lo com o resto da nossa equipe para que possamos considerar a possibilidade disso. Enquanto isso, se houver mais alguma coisa que possamos fazer por você, escreva para nós (

  11. Low mood option

    To be able to select an emotion such as "low mood", "happy" "sad" as sometimes "depressed mood" is not the right option despite the other symptoms the are felt.

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  12. 3 votes

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  13. prowadzenie choroby

    brakuje opcji aby zaczynać od choroby coś podobnego jak jest teraz. następnie dodać lekarza u jakiego się było a następnie jego zalecenia. i z tych zaleceń powinny wynikać leki i dawkowanie. najlepiej jak by można było zrobić tylko zdjęcie zalecenia i wszystko by się automatycznie dodawało. później można by było dodawać kolejne wizyty lekarskie i tak dalej.

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    under review  ·  Simone responded

    Drogi Użytkowniku,

    Dziękuję za tę sugestię. Cenimy sobie głęboko Twoją opinię. Podzielimy się nim z naszym zespołem. Jeśli jest coś, co możemy dla ciebie zrobić, napisz do

    Z poważaniem.

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    declined  ·  Simone responded

    Dear MyTherapy user,

    Thank you so much for contacting us. We are always happy to get feedback and new suggestions. Unfortunately, we currently cannot expand our database to include this information. However, we will share this idea with our team to discuss its viability. In the meantime, if there is anything else that we can do for you, please contact us and we will happily reply.

    Best regards.

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    under review  ·  Simone responded

    Dear MyTherapy user,

    Thank you for pointing this out. We will share the request of an Australian database with our team. In the meantime, if there is anything that we can do for you, please write to us and we will happily respond to you.

    Best regards.

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    under review  ·  Simone responded

    Dear MyTherapy user,

    Thank you for contacting us. We believe this suggestion is an interesting idea. We will share it with our team to discuss its viability. In the meantime, if there is anything that we can do for you, let us know.

    Best regards.

  18. add pictures of medication

    Pictures are helpful when prescription bottles aren't handy.

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    under review  ·  Simone responded

    Dear MyTherapy user,

    Thank you so much for contacting us through our collection of ideas. We believe that this is an interesting idea and we can see how it can be useful. We will share it with our team in order to discuss its viability. In the meantime, if there is anything else that we can do for you, please write to us and we will happily get back to you.

    Best regards.

  19. add urine to measurement

    items also missing passing gas and bowl movement

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    under review  ·  Simone responded

    Dear MyTherapy user,

    Thank you so much for contacting us. We are always delighted to hear comments and new ideas. I will share this suggestion with our team. In the meantime, please contact us at any time if there is something that we can do for you.

    Best regards.

  20. cross reference to drug interactions

    drug interactions detailed for your list

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    declined  ·  Simone responded

    Dear MyTherapy user,

    Thank you so much for contacting us through our ideas collection. Since we are not medical professionals, we cannot give any sort of medical advice, not even the medical interactions. However, we deeply value your feedback. If you have any more ideas on how we can improve please contact us at any time.

    Best regards.

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