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Collection of Ideas for MyTherapy

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96 results found

  1. Ability to rate level of each symptom, pain and mood measurement from 1 to 10

    Scala for pain and mood per Day from 1 worst pain and 10 no pain

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    Thanks for your suggestion! We will put forward this idea and discuss its feasibility with our team. We will get back to you as soon as we have more news.

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    under review  ·  Simone responded

    Dear MyTherapy user,

    Thank you so much for contacting us. We are always delighted to get feedback and suggestions. This option sounds very interesting and I can see how it can be useful. We will discuss it with our team.

    In the meantime, if there is anything else we can do for you, please do not hesitate in contacting us at any time.

    Best regards.

  3. Option to add notes in symptom check.

    Option to add notes in Symptom Check. Could more accurately describe symptoms and leave more precise time frames for symptoms. E.g "Stomach cramps in morning, lasted until 2ish".

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  4. 13 votes

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    Thanks for your suggestion! We will put forward this idea and discuss its feasibility with our team. We will get back to you as soon as we have more news.

  5. you should be able to use custom symptoms for symptom checker

    you should be able to use custom symptoms for symptom checker

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  6. 10 votes

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    under review  ·  Simone responded

    Dear MyTherapy user,

    Thank you so much for contacting us through our collection of ideas. We are always delighted with comments and suggestions. Therefore, we will share this idea with our team in order to discuss its viability. In the meantime, if there is anything else that we can do for you, please contact us at anytime.

    Best regards.

  7. 10 votes

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  8. medical symptoms should contain more symptoms

    Medical symptoms should be more detailed

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  9. 8 votes

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  10. Allow for a "other" symptom option so I can add in specific things I am feeling.

    just an other option that allows to put I. person specific feelings. for example I can have "pain due to toe injyry" rather than just pain. also add I. completely new symptoms, like congestion, cravings, and restlessness. There are some symptoms that are just uncommon enough that an ' other' button is necessary

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  11. add bowel movement to symptom tracker.

    when dealing with chronic or medication related constipation it would be helpful to track usual bowel movement

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    under review  ·  Simone responded

    Dear user,

    Thank you for pointing this out. We will share this with the rest of our team. In the meantime, if there is anything else that we can do for you, please let us know at

  12. a way to track one's symptoms more specifically, especially symptoms related to side effects of medication.

    You could simply offer a tracker (maybe inside the settings for the related medication) in which users can record, what side effects they suffer from and how their symptoms have developed. For example: "Did you get a headache today?" and maybe a scale from 1 to 10 or something similar. It would be a big help for me to have all of my medication-stuff in one single app :)

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  13. 4 votes

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    under review  ·  Simone responded

    Dear MyTherapy user,

    Thank you so much for contacting us. We are always delighted to get feedback and suggestions. This option sounds very interesting and I can see how it can be useful. We will discuss it with our team.

    In the meantime, if there is anything else we can do for you, please do not hesitate in contacting us at any time.

    Best regards.

  14. allow for symptoms last logged to reappear next time i log

    have those last logged reappear as common symptoms next time i log

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  15. 3 votes

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  16. 3 votes

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  17. preload frequently selected symptoms unique to the user after x amount of time, perhaps, every 25 checks, or 30 daily uses (& keep them)

    check box of user specified frequent symptoms. keep previously chosen available in favorites check boxes. we're not all alike and we all feel pain and symptoms differently.

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  18. 3 votes

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  19. Add in a space under Symptom Tracker where the user can write in their own personal notes. No text/character limit, please!

    This would be useful for tracking specific events, physical/mental states, environmental, emotional, and other external factors that could be contributing to recurring symptoms.

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  20. allow users to enter their own 'common' symptoms from the Show All list, so they always appear on the 'visible' list of symptoms at the top.

    In Symptom Checker, none of the 'common symptoms' apply to me. Would like to be able to edit the 'common' list to remove ones that are irrelevant to me. Instead, would like to add the more relevant symptoms from the Show All list.

    At the moment, I have to constantly go to the Show All list to enter each symptom, every time.

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