Keep medications bound to time zone
I travel a lot. That involves changing time zones. Yet I have to take my meds every 12 hours. I would like to be able to set an app to fire med alarms in my original time zone even if local time is different.

Thanks for your suggestion! We will put forward this idea and discuss its feasibility with our team. We will get back to you as soon as we have more news.
Anonymous commented
Is there a solution yet for this issue?
Anonymous commented
one you choose your country, offer time zones.
Michael commented
changing timezones
Ed H commented
not everyone has such strict requirements. need to be flexible in time zone lock or not. kept getting alarms at 3AM for a breakfast doseage.
Kelly commented
I travel for work, but must take my meds at the same time each day. At home I take them at 10, but if I'm on the East Coast, it should be 11 instead so I'm still consistent with taking them every 12 hours.
I tried the "every 12 hours" setting, but that is still time-specific, so it doesn't work.