Change the Scheduler Add tons of options. instead of forcing us to input a set time make it so we can say once in morn & 1 at night
Most every similar app I've tried are all the same, in the way that they won't allow to input something like I take this Medication twice per day so the app will kind of flex with me, cuz if I take my meds one morning at about 11am I don't want an app reminding at 8pm to take other set of pills, only because the app initially only allowed me to set specific start & end times. We are humans not robots thus we often go to bed or get up at various different times thus alter our pill schedule however mineut.
You could have a feature that sort of ties in too, add a warning advisory popup to inform the person of how far off schedule they are, ie. 3 hours later taking your morning dose then usual! Many meds don't necessarily carry the risk of bad side effect all the way upto possible overdose & death, which certain Prescriptions such as Oxycodon ER at any dose if your supposed to take it ever 12 hrs but also instead you where late taking the 1st set of pills for the day but then you feel abnormally tired that night so decide to go to bed around 8pm when you usually don't go to bed until midnight or later! what this just caused is that person is going to be taking his 2nd set of pills for the day within only 6 -7 hours of your first set, & like I pointed out above most the meds won't have such a high inherant risk nearly like what some Opiate ER drugs along with others where they could inosently cause death from slowing your heart & breathing as direct result of overdosing on the med or taking to much of a certain category of drugs.

Thanks for your suggestion! We will put forward this idea and discuss its feasibility with our team. We will get back to you as soon as we have more news.
Anonymous commented
I need to be able to show my Home Care Nurse how my meds are supposed to be grouped in my med cups, and vise-versa. Without that ability we've been having some real trouble getting on the same page. The category is therapy planning and therapy.
zee commented