Check off each dose daily
Check off each time you take a certain medication that you're supposed to take 4 times minimum and 6 times maximum so you dont just check it off at the end of the day.. and so you can check off if you took less then needed or if it was a bad day and you need to check off more then needed.
Also when you go to click confirm for a medication for the day, have an option to edit in case you confirm, but then realize you took less then your daily average you can then click edit and change it so it shows the inventory properly. This apples if you took more then you daily an amount since many medications are "take as necessary"
Plus checking it off after every dose throughout a day, you can then see and stage the time you took each dose so if you're halfway through a day and you arent sure the last time you took a certain medication you then could see it in this app and know when you can take your next.