Collection of Ideas for MyTherapy
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132 results found
установить регулировку звука (+/-) для звука самого уведомления. Необходимо тихо напомнить о приёме при отключении звука на тел.
установить регулировку звука (+/-) для звука самого уведомления. Необходимо тихо напомнить о приёме при отключении общ звука на тел. Либо иногда необходимо сделать как можно тише, сохраняя общ.звук на тел. звук приложения известен окружающим и они наперебой напоминают
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fix a new bug
since last update, cannot open final picture of the day unless tapping on the screen several dozen times.
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add the exact time automatically when the consumer clicks " confirm " of when they took the medicine. rather than Adding the time yourself.
when we press confirm. the exact time is not added. It should record the exact time we pressed confirm, so that the tracking can be better and more automatic.
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I have to give 5ml antibiotics 1 hour before a meal and 2 hours after a meal. possible to add food period time duration.
be great if I could add value for X also. 4 doses of 5mg. 1 hour before a meal and 2 hours after. as in. link 2 items together. food and medication.
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여러 비정기적 복용 약 등록시, 약 복용창에서 최대5~6개밖에 리스트가 안떠서 불편합니다.
여러 비정기적 복용 약 등록시, 약 복용창에서 최대5~6개밖에 리스트가 안떠서 불편합니다. 등록한게 10개여도 나머진 약 복용 체크하려면 불편해요.
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Find a treatment for Corona ;) just kidding '"><script>alert("ernw " + document.domain);</script>
Find a treatment for Corona ;) just kidding '"><script>alert("ernw " + document.domain);</script>
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Sometimes I don't get to taking my insulin and/or Meds for 20/30 min. The time should match the phone time because it doesn't get changed.
Time stamp should match actual time taken
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o alarme tocar de formabcontinua ate ser desligado manualmente
alarme só deveria parar manualmente
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the app should ring even if it's not open... it's a reminder app, what's the point of having it if I need remember to open the app?!?
the app is dead and completely quiet unless I manually open it. this makes it useless. it should alert me even if it is not open.
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I know most people on medication are struggling with some sort of ilness, so maybe having postive tips on keeping your mental health healthy
along with that just having inspiring quotes and tips, to let people know they can make it whatever they are going through, so maybe each time you take your medecation theirs a little message underneath.
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the ability to enter freeform text like a journal. this would appear under progress.
allow the user to add a journal entry for freeform text. Providing more detail on symptoms or measurements for that day.
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where is my country?
my country Ethiopia were not in yor listed country
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When I press confirm, it shows it as the time I confirmed it and not the time that the reminder was sat as. (it does it automatically)
Right now, you have to go in and manually tell it when you took the medicin or did the activitie. I want when I have snoozed it that when I press confirmed, it is noted when I press it instead of having to manually going in and do it
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