Collection of Ideas for MyTherapy
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96 results found
Add 'catarrh' and/or 'post nasal drip' to the list of symptoms, please.
These are common symptoms which often follow nasal or sinus surgery and need constant throat clearing, which eventually causes a sore throat.
1 vote -
Jeg savner et smerte-tracker-værktøj for både krop og ved hovedpine/migræne, hvor smerter + udvikling/ændring kan indplottes nemt, visuelt
trackmypain-appen kommer tættest på, men den er svær at navigere i - i den visuelle del. og så kan man ikke plotte hovedpine ind, der sidder fx oven på issen (+ smerter under fødderne).
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add the ability to add custom text entries to the symptom checker to better track general body/mind state.
I would like the ability to write custom text in the symptoms tracker rather than just select from a list. possibly an "other" option that allows a text entry.
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3 votes
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2 votes
preload frequently selected symptoms unique to the user after x amount of time, perhaps, every 25 checks, or 30 daily uses (& keep them)
check box of user specified frequent symptoms. keep previously chosen available in favorites check boxes. we're not all alike and we all feel pain and symptoms differently.
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8 votes
Hej jag saknar en funktion under symptonkontroll, jag väljer ex bultande hjärta, jag skulle vilja kunna beskriva det med fritext hur det kän
Hur det känn. mm.
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1 vote
a way to track one's symptoms more specifically, especially symptoms related to side effects of medication.
You could simply offer a tracker (maybe inside the settings for the related medication) in which users can record, what side effects they suffer from and how their symptoms have developed. For example: "Did you get a headache today?" and maybe a scale from 1 to 10 or something similar. It would be a big help for me to have all of my medication-stuff in one single app :)
5 votes -
add acne under symptoms.
acne is a side effect of medication as well as many other causes.
1 vote -
allow for symptoms last logged to reappear next time i log
have those last logged reappear as common symptoms next time i log
4 votes -
Progress / journal view for symptoms check
When viewing well being in the new progress view for all the symptoms checks it just says "entered" it would be nice to see a comma separated list of the symptoms that were actually entered.
Same with the journal view, I saw a unique list, but not when each symptom occurred, on the graph it didn't say the symptom just the severity.
2 votesThanks for your suggestion! We will put forward this idea and discuss its feasibility with our team. We will get back to you as soon as we have more news.
Здравствуйте! Предлагаю следующие идеи: при проверке симптомов показывать те симптомы, которые наиболее часто указывает пользователь.
при проверке симптомов показывать те симптомы, которые наиболее часто указывает пользователь, чтобы не приходилось все время возвращаться к полному списку.
1 voteСпасибо за ваше сообщение. Мы думаем, что это интересная идея, и мы видим, как она может быть полезной. Мы поделимся этим с остальной частью нашей команды, чтобы мы могли рассмотреть возможность этого. В то же время, если у нас есть что-то еще, пожалуйста, напишите нам (
can you please add 'restless' to the list of symptoms?
listless is similar, but not quite the same.
1 voteDear user,
Thank you so much for pointing this out. We will for sure share it with the rest of our team. If there is anything else we can do, please let us know at
Best regards.
add bowel movement to symptom tracker.
when dealing with chronic or medication related constipation it would be helpful to track usual bowel movement
6 votesDear user,
Thank you for pointing this out. We will share this with the rest of our team. In the meantime, if there is anything else that we can do for you, please let us know at
Add in a space under Symptom Tracker where the user can write in their own personal notes. No text/character limit, please!
This would be useful for tracking specific events, physical/mental states, environmental, emotional, and other external factors that could be contributing to recurring symptoms.
3 votes
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