Collection of Ideas for MyTherapy
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449 results found
rather than having the amount of tablets remaining do the amount of days supply left
have the option to have days supply so as rather than saying 56 tablets it says how many days that would last you if you took your dosage (2 tablets, 3 tablets etc.) because on some I take 1 and some I take 4 so it gets confusing, and obviously the 4 gets used a lot quicker and that's harder to account for when it's based on tablets left, where as if it was based on days supply left, you could just wait for 14 days supply for all of them and then order the prescription for next month's supply…
1 voteThanks for your suggestion! We will put forward this idea and discuss its feasibility with our team. We will get back to you as soon as we have more news.
I forgot pain levels, in therapy, heating pad, tens unit, teeter inversion table. please include these settings in these 3 items, thank you.
other settings and pain levels
1 voteDear MyTherapy user,
Thank you for bringing this up. We will add this values to the list of items that need to be included. In the meantime, if there is anything else that we can do for you, please write to us
support@mytherapyapp.comBest regards.
wprowadzić dodatkowy parametr leku - datę ważności. można wtedy w aplikacji przechowywać swój stan apteczki
plus przypomnienie o zbliżającej się dacie przeterminowania leku. np. 3 miesiące wcześniej
1 voteDrogi użytkowniku MyTherapy,
Dziękuję za Twoją wiadomość. Zawsze chętnie otrzymujemy informacje zwrotne. Niestety, ta sugestia nie jest zgodna z naszymi priorytetami i nie będziemy w stanie pracować nad nią w najbliższej przyszłości. Jednak cenimy Twój wkład. Jeśli masz więcej pytań lub komentarzy, daj nam znać.
Z poważaniem.
I would suggest putting pictures of the remedies in the application
I would suggest putting pictures of the remedies in the application
1 voteDear MyTherapy user,
Thank you for your message. We are always happy to receive feedback. Unfortunately, this suggestion is does not align with our priorities and we will not be able to work on it in the near future. However, we value your input. If you have any more questions or comments, please let us know.
Best regards,
It would be better if we can choose any start date for the start of medication for people who have just installed the app today.
I only have the option for yesterday and today for the start of medication. I want any start date on my calendar. Specifically for people like me who just found this medication reminder app.
14 votes -
1 vote
תודה לך על ההודעה שלך. אנחנו חושבים שזה רעיון מעניין ואנחנו יכולים לראות איך זה יכול להיות שימושי. אנו נשתף אותו עם שאר הצוות שלנו כדי שנוכל לשקול את האפשרות של זה. בינתיים, אם יש עוד משהו שאנחנו יכולים לעשות בשבילך, בבקשה לכתוב לנו (
1 vote
Tak for din besked. Vi mener, at dette er en interessant ide, og vi kan se, hvordan det kan være nyttigt. Vi deler det med resten af vores team, så vi kan overveje muligheden for det. I mellemtiden, hvis der er noget andet, vi kan gøre for dig, skriv venligst til os (
Don't preselect medicines when confirming
When you need to confirm many medicines, e.g. In the morning, start the confirmation screen with all medicines unticked so that user can take medicine, then tick each one by one. Just confirming the lot in one go is prone to accidentally missing out some tablets
4 votesThanks for your suggestion! We will put forward this idea and discuss its feasibility with our team. We will get back to you as soon as we have more news.
Facilidade ao adicionar o horário do medicamento.
A opção de pôr o horário do medicamento é um pouco confusa. Deveria apenas aparecer de quanto em quanto tempo e em seguida a hora do primeiro registro, para assim já aparecerem as sequências de horários.
Remédio de: 8h em 8h.
Primeira medicação: 23h
Medicações no dia serão: 07h, 15h e 23h3 votesObrigado pela sua mensagem. Achamos que esta é uma ideia interessante e podemos ver como isso pode ser útil. Vamos compartilhá-lo com o resto da nossa equipe para que possamos considerar a possibilidade disso. Enquanto isso, se houver mais alguma coisa que possamos fazer por você, escreva para nós (
Seria bom a opção d trocar o ícone do remédio, ajuda caso haja mais de uma opção d remédio a tomar. Também de pôr a foto do remédio no lugar
Quando cadastrado, aparece um ícone de comprimido invocando remédio, seria bom poder trocar esta opção, pra pôr, por exemplo, outro tipo de comprimido, ou frasco de líquido, ou conta gotas... No meu caso, é um xarope, seria interessante ter um ícone de frasco. Ou também, para facilitar, poder pôr a imagem do remédio (foto) no lugar do ícone, se a pessoa quiser.
1 voteObrigado pela sua mensagem. Achamos que esta é uma ideia interessante e podemos ver como isso pode ser útil. Vamos compartilhá-lo com o resto da nossa equipe para que possamos considerar a possibilidade disso. Enquanto isso, se houver mais alguma coisa que possamos fazer por você, escreva para nós (
2 votes
Dziękuję za Twoją wiadomość. Uważamy, że jest to ciekawy pomysł i możemy zobaczyć, jak to może być przydatne. Podzielimy się nim z resztą naszego zespołu, abyśmy mogli rozważyć jego możliwość. W międzyczasie, jeśli możemy coś dla Ciebie zrobić, napisz do nas (
2 votes
Dziękuję za Twoją wiadomość. Uważamy, że jest to ciekawy pomysł i możemy zobaczyć, jak to może być przydatne. Podzielimy się nim z resztą naszego zespołu, abyśmy mogli rozważyć jego możliwość. W międzyczasie, jeśli możemy coś dla Ciebie zrobić, napisz do nas (
1 vote
Obrigado pela sua mensagem. Achamos que esta é uma ideia interessante e podemos ver como isso pode ser útil. Vamos compartilhá-lo com o resto da nossa equipe para que possamos considerar a possibilidade disso. Enquanto isso, se houver mais alguma coisa que possamos fazer por você, escreva para nós (
3 votes
Dziękuję za Twoją wiadomość. Uważamy, że jest to ciekawy pomysł i możemy zobaczyć, jak to może być przydatne. Podzielimy się nim z resztą naszego zespołu, abyśmy mogli rozważyć jego możliwość. W międzyczasie, jeśli możemy coś dla Ciebie zrobić, napisz do nas (
2 votes
Dziękuję za sugestię! Zbadamy twój pomysł i omówimy możliwą implementację. Skontaktujemy się z Tobą, gdy tylko otrzymamy więcej informacji.
critical alert after one hour of unconfirmed intake
critical alert after one hour of unconfirmed intake
0 votesThanks for your suggestion! We will put forward this idea and discuss its feasibility with our team. We will get back to you as soon as we have more news.
hi, thanks for an awesome app! I am on Warfarin but my INR test dates are irregular, would be handy to set a reminder X hrs before my appt
Setting a reminder to occur the night before/X hours before an important blood test would be useful. I self test my INR but if the reminder goes off when I am due to submit a results, chances are my test kit will be at home. I do this through Google Cal at the moment but it would be ace to have it all in one app. Being able to set reminder timeouts individually to other than 5 minutes would be useful too.
1 voteThanks for your suggestion! We will put forward this idea and discuss its feasibility with our team. We will get back to you as soon as we have more news.
show me the appointment time table. i need to see an ordered schedule
i Saw the therapy in alphabetical order. i need to see ordered by time. when i am planning the medicines for the next day, It is hard to organize
1 voteThanks for your suggestion! We will put forward this idea and discuss its feasibility with our team. We will get back to you as soon as we have more news.
set multiple refill reminders
I would like to see at least one earlier reminder, as well as a final reminder. I currently use the reminder to let me know when I have only one dose left, which seems to make it easier for me to make sure to update the inventory for some reason! I would also like an earlier reminder that I can set, especially for supplements, to just let me know I have a couple of weeks left and need to pick up more. That way I have time to get them picked up before I run completely out.
2 votesThanks for your suggestion! We will put forward this idea and discuss its feasibility with our team. We will get back to you as soon as we have more news.
Add support for test strips and lancets. These are needed for tests and are consumables diabetics in the UK get on prescription.
Example bar codes 4015630056972 accu-chek fastclix 204 lancets. Each lancet has got 6 uses in it. Example test strips bar code 4015630980987 50 test strips for glucose level testing in whole blood from finger prick
1 voteThank you for your suggestion! We will examine your idea and discuss a possible implementation. We will contact you as soon as we have more information for you.
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