add a option to track meals
schedule in meals to allow the diary to observe if diet was affected by meds

Frodo commented
somehow make as a reminder, a place where we can write down and record food intake like a food journal
Anonymous commented
Treat the whole person...
Lusy Goncalves commented
And snacks and dietary regime in general
Rocky commented
take pills with meals
Amelia commented
depression can be hard to remind yourself to eat and shower. I don't know about other illnesses but I know when things get tough eating and showering are things I forget about the most. eating a meal could be edited to remind you to eat at least 1 to 3 meals a day.
Maria R. commented
Есть заболевания, где человеку нужно питаться по расписанию и определенное количество раз в день с определенным фиксированным промежутком, но тем, кто не привык жить по графику, и/или всегда в спешке, трудно к этому привыкнуть и очень трудно не забыть поесть вовремя, а ведь приём лекарств непосредственно связан с режимом приёма пищи.
Larissa commented
Some pills must be taken with food, while others must be taken some time after or before meals.
Cary commented
This is a great idea. I would like to at least be able to set meal reminders, instead of having to create a medication or activity labeled "Food".