Add custom notification sounds
Custom notifications
We have integrated 5 additional alarms into our latest update. These are louder, longer and more versatile than the previous tones.
To test the new reminders, proceed as follows:
1. You navigate to the tab “Therapy”
2. Under “Therapy”, select a therapy item from the list by clicking on it
3. Then the details of the respective element are opened
4. If you scroll down, you can use the “Alarm” option to try the new ringtones.
Gilvan commented
Marshall commented
I would like to be able to use other notifications/ringtones from my device.
Anonymous commented
I need a notification during the baby's naptime. if my phone is silenced, I miss it all together, the ability to set the notifications to vibrate would be helpful
Илья commented
Например, когда экран заблокирован и пришло время употреблять лекарство, то звук напоминания тихий и очень короткий. В пути или на улице не слышно. Предлагаю добавить вибрацию телефона и увеличить время напоминания, громкость (если конечно это возможно)
Albano Bonny Teixeira commented
dimitri commented
add the option to assign your own reminder sound or at least expand them with other sounds
Jeanette commented
diverse pillen diverse geluiden
Ray O'Neal commented
Alarms for hard -to -hear
william powers commented
minions ringtone
Janus commented
add custom mp3 file alarm to the available set of sounds for each medicine.
Alan commented
be able to add own audio files for the notifications in recorded voice wav, mp3
Anonymous commented
sound notification default config
vipin arora commented
better longer ring tone and possibility of selecting from alarm ring tone.
Mike Nawrath commented
The change is better. Adding a personalized notification would still be nice.
Joe commented
Alarm tone settings according to android standard.
Kodi commented
Still isn't possible to choose own alarm sound
Anonymous commented
nie które urządzenia mają niezbyt głośne alarmy, można bedzie wprowadzić np. kultowy tekst "proszę pigułkę"
Yellow commented
I'd like this idea as well as more of the app's own original options. :) The current alarms are nice and subtle, but I would probably not hear them when I'm doing something else. The option to combine vibration WITH sound would be great too.
Association WeAreParky ONLUS commented
Add new parameters to Notify Menu :
- select alarm tone from user files (like .mp3)
- select alarm volume
- new option : override silence/vibration mode
- new option : flashing screen in bright color -
Luiz Antonio commented
Improve the volume of the alarme sound. An opcional volume (high/low).