Medicine start option should allow to select previous dates for people who have just installed the app but medicine are taking previously.
Thanks for your suggestion! We will put forward this idea and discuss its feasibility with our team. We will get back to you as soon as we have more news.
Anonymous commented
czemu nie
qwik commented
Funkcja mogłaby być dostępna np w oknie "wykresy" i pomogłaby w raportowaniu historii zażywania leków w sytuacjach gdy nie wpiszemy ich od razu (weekend na kajakach bez telefonu itp.)
slchavez commented
This start date is useful when reporting to physician.
Bree commented
would really like this to accurately track how long I've been on a certain medication
Tony commented
It would be really helpful to have this! I started a new medication yesterday but was too tired/busy to put it down in the app. and now it won't let me edit the start time. this would be a wonderful and useful addition.
Don commented
Start date needs to be able to go further back than today's date.
David L commented
I see someone suggested something similar already
Anonymous commented
also please fix the forum so I can subscribe to the similar idea re this. I get a connection error when I try.
Jay commented
When trying to add in my medication, althought I started it a few days ago, I can only select today's date as the start time. It will not allow me to go back and select the actual date I started the medixation.
Anonymous commented
My doctor put me on a medication before I started using this app. since then he has changed the strength, changed the frequency, had me take more in one day, and had me skip it a few days. I wrote it down but enter it in this app (plus some of the time I was in the hospital and couldn't use app and other times it was before the app). I would like a way to enter these medication changes prior to today's date. Also, when you hit "skip" there should be an additional buttons that say "dose forgotten" (& too close to next dose to take), "dose not needed" (pain meds for example), "Doctor's orders" (level too high in blood test, blood thinners prior to surgery). There should also be a way to add a dose to a planned med (doctor's orders).
Off topic: I use this app to record my medication & my fiance's medication. it would be very helpful if you added a way to have multiple accounts. For example, I open the app and click on the person's name/icon/both (depending on preference & a way to keep privacy ... have preloaded animals, plants, other, so that only the users know whose account is whose).
Евгений commented
1. Так и не внесли возможность выбора начала приема лекарств ранее чем сегодняшний день. Очень плохо. Стоит потерять телефон и весь учет курсов бесполезен.
2. Если выбрать время приема в выходные дни более позднее чем в будние, то в графике приема отображается только более позднее время. К примеру: пн-пт 6:00, сб,вс 10:00. На графике видно только 10:00 -
ariel commented
be happy
ariel commented
be happy
ariel commented
be happy