Archive medication
It would be helpful to have an option to archive/note completed medication that is still relevant to a persons current health chart.
An option to archive and make notes on completed meds that are still being tracked during an illness. Example: A patient is no longer taking a particular type of antibiotic but they have been prescribed another. The patient would still want to keep track of the previous med for future doctor appointments and make notes on effectiveness or allergies.
Thanks for your suggestion! We will put forward this idea and discuss its feasibility with our team. We will get back to you as soon as we have more news.
Галина commented
Добавьте кнопку " завершить" в описание лекарства. Бывает так, что лекарство назначенно бессрочно, но врач его заменил. А удалять не хочется - вдруг к нему придется вернутся и вводить все параметры заново неудобно, особенно когда нет базы данных лекарств, как для России. Кнопка " пауза" не подходит: при этом не пишется, что прием лекарства зовершен, и лекарство "висит" в назначенных к приему.
Jodalee commented
I LOVE this idea. It would be great for follow up appointments.