show intake advice with reminders
If a medication has intake advice like "take with meal" have it shown in the medication reminder

Thanks for your suggestion! We will put forward this idea and discuss its feasibility with our team. We will get back to you as soon as we have more news.
Наталья commented
Когда приходит напоминание о приеме таблеток с кнопками "выполнить" или "подтвердить все", то не видно, как принимать "после или до еды"
Dana commented
As part of the reminder about which meds to take at what time, it would be nice to have a place to enter info/a reminder IF a certain medication you are taking needs to be taken on a full stomach
Glen Cordell commented
add an option for which "EYE" get's meds, so we could utilize this app for both eye's when needed.
Jodalee commented
If you could add an area for the user to add personal instructions, it would be great. For example: take with plenty of water, must take with food, can cause nausea, etc