add UA (dip) under labs. Basic ability to customize labs and sx would be helpful as well
1)Multiple disease processes require regular at home UA dips to track flares & progression. Even more require regular in-lab blood and UA testing for these same reasons. A platform for tracking at home results would be extremely helpful. While most labs provide access to results, the ability to add them to at-home results would be increasingly helpful in creating overall picture of health. 2)Disease acts differently in different patients; many important sx of note for many people are not included in the current list available. I have found other apps which allow sx tracking and personalization, however the ability to track everything in one place and even create charts and print-outs alongside meds/prns (as is possible through your app) would be extremely helpful in creating a far more singular, comprehensive picture of current health state and disease progression, allowing both patient and Dr to better track and understand health condition