Need a way to preemptively reschedule meds after delayed dose, to maintain buffer between interacting meds.
My medications include some that interact with each other. While I have scheduled them appropriately, they sometimes get delayed. When that happens, I need to reschedule the rest of the day to maintain a minimum buffer.
Being able to "snooze and reschedule" the rest of the day would be convenient. Being able to just one by one reschedule for a given day would be fine-grained useful. Both would be fantastic.
Anonymous commented
I have to take one medication first thing in the morning and a second, different medication at least 4 hours later. If I wake late my first medication is delayed so I need to snooze/delay the second medication for that day only to maintain the 4 hour gap. I can only snooze a medication at, or very shortly before, its due time. I need to be able to delay it at any time on the day it is due.