Collection of Ideas for MyTherapy
Your opinion counts! We are constantly improving MyTherapy to best-possibly meet your needs. Support us with your ideas, suggestions and feedback.
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40 results found
Попробуйте найти дату когда вы начали принимать курс таблеток ... Ничего не получится ... Надо видеть курс приема по датам и количеству.
Статистика по каждому лекарству с датами начала и окончания курса, не только по количеству
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adding test results
Comprehensive perioduc test results with improvement analysis from one period to another for the same tests
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If full progress report should be shared with family member then only it is useful. Sharing weekly progress in percentage is not useful.
share full progress report with partner not the weekly percentage progress...
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Could the progress list be truly chronological as well as or instead of one medication at a time?
So I can see the spread of meds over time. Not each med at a time
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Add a space w/ each BP reading for a description of conditions that might explain why BP was not w/in normal range. For your doctor's use.
Adding a note with your BP reading that describes the conditions at the time of the reading may offer your doctor insight as to why the BP was outside the patient's normal range. Was it an anomoly, or was it the start of a serious trend to keep closer watch. A patient's notes would help the doctor determine how much the patient's environment, especially relationships, are affecting their BP as a factor of daily stress. Notes could also help their doctor uncover a new or latent, underlying medical condition.
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Being able to record Parkinsons On Off times related to medication times.
I want to record when medication has actually been taken and when to medication start to take effect (on state) and when medication starts to wear off (off state)
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소리길게, 볼륨조절, 사운드선택 가능, 알람시터치로끔가능하게해주세요
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1 vote
When tracking personal health information such as BP/HR, it would be helpful to be able to refer to a timeline graph directly on the app.
When tracking personal health information such as BP or HR (pulse) or even the number of push-ups or treadmill stats (ie, elapsed time per session & cumulative, averages, calories burned, etc.), in order to make adjustments as needed, it would be helpful to immediately visualize and monitor the progress made at improving one's health and physical fitness directly on the app in addition to sending an email report.
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καταχώρηση μέτρησης για τριλυκερίδια
να υπάρχει δυνατότητα καταχώρησης μέτρησης αποτελέσματος για τριγλυκερίδια.
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you really need a system for "take every x hours as needed". Because sometimes i dont need it on the hour, but ill need it 6 hours later
Right now it only has reminders every X hour. It would be helpful if I got a medication listing that told me when the last time i took it was, and how long i have to wait before i can take it again. This is basically the only reason i need a tracker (personally), otherwise i just take one pill a day, not hard to track.
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add a way for users to send desired info to calendar. It would help analyze patterns between symptoms, as needed meds, and life events.
It would be great if there was an option (either from an overflow menu, a "plus" button, or a long-press option) for symptom entries and/or spontaneous entries to be added to the calendar of my choosing. I would create a separate Google calendar just for the entries from MyTherapy. Then I could show these entries on my regular calendar to look for patterns but hide the information when desired. This would be a great way to help figure out which medications or activities affect my symptoms.
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Average values of journal/measurements, as well as filtering by time of day.
It would be great if we could have average values of journal/measurements (i.e. blood pressure, blood sugar etc) by week, month, year, as well as filtering by time of day, for example morning, afternoon, evening.
1 voteThanks for your suggestion! We will put forward this idea and discuss its feasibility with our team. We will get back to you as soon as we have more news.
Do leków przyda się opis z ulotki i skład leku w razie gdyby ktoś był uczulony na któryś składnik leku
Ulotka i skład leku
1 voteDziękuję za Twoją wiadomość. Zawsze chętnie przyjmujemy nowe pomysły i opinie. Uważamy, że informacje na temat broszury o leku są bardzo interesującym pomysłem i możemy zobaczyć, jak może to być przydatne. Niestety obecnie nie mamy możliwości rozwoju, aby wdrożyć tę sugestię. Ale nawet jeśli nie możemy pracować nad nim w najbliższej przyszłości, doceniamy Twoją opinię. Jeśli masz dodatkowe uwagi, napisz do nas (
Да се добави PH на урината
При бъбречно каменна болест се следи PH на урината
1 voteСпасибо, что указали на необходимость добавить этот элемент в нашу базу данных ценностей. Мы поделимся этим с остальной командой. В то же время, если есть что-то, что мы можем сделать для вас, сообщите нам (
Lab values planned - добрый день! добавьте пожалуйста в расписание,возможность измерять уровень мочевой кислоты.Например каждые две недели.
Я бы хотел иметь возможность устанавливать напоминание о измерении уровня мочевой кислоты каждые две недели.Или с другим временным периодом.
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1 vote
Thanks for your suggestion! We will put forward this idea and discuss its feasibility with our team. We will get back to you as soon as we have more news.
1 vote
Thanks for your suggestion! We will put forward this idea and discuss its feasibility with our team. We will get back to you as soon as we have more news.
Лабораторные исследования для пациентов после аллотрансплантации почки
после трансплантации почки пациент - реципиент принимает иммуносупрессивные препараты, при этом производится регулярный лабораторный контроль показателей, например такролимуса и др. Было бы здорово иметь перечень этих показателей среди перечня лабораторных исследований.
1 voteThanks for your suggestion! We will put forward this idea and discuss its feasibility with our team. We will get back to you as soon as we have more news.
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