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Collection of Ideas for MyTherapy

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  1. monitor more then one person schedule

    Hope this apps can create more then one profile, so i can follow more then one person schedule taking medicine time

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    declined  ·  Tabea von MyTherapy responded

    Dear MyTherapy user,

    Thank you so much for yous suggestion. Currently, MyTherapy is designed to custom the management of an individual therapy. However, we will bring this suggestion to the rest of our team so we can consider the possibility of it. In the meantime, if there is anything else we can do, please let us know.

    Best regards.

  2. An option to take your pills after waking up rather than at specific time would be great. (the app could detect I'm using the phone)

    You could set a time after which the trigger would work, i. e. 4AM and if after 4AM the app detects that you're using the phone it will send the reminder. It could also be integrated with phone alarms.

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    declined  ·  Simone responded

    Dear MyTherapy user,

    Thanks a lot for your input. Your ideas and suggestions always help us improving. We think that an automatic detection of when are you awake is a very interesting idea and I can see how it can be useful. Unfortunately, we currently lack the development capacity to implement this idea. Still, we will discuss it with the rest of our teams. Even though we are not able to work on this in the near future, your ideas are important to us. If you have more suggestions, please let us know.

    Best regards.

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  4. I'd like to have the ability to arrange the medication order by dragging and dropping

    Allowing users to arrange their medication list in order of importance or current use can make their lists a more useful reference tool by providing accurate histories of when previous medications were taken and not cluttering the list of current medications because it can be arranged according to user preference without removing old medication if a patient wishes to keep records of previous medications. -Donna

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  5. 2 votes

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  6. to show a notification each time I confirm a medicine and the number is below the minimum of doses left.

    Today it reminds me just once that I have few doses left. I think it would be useful if it reminded me each time I confirm a dose and it's under the minimum value.

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  7. Extremely simple widget.

    Just a small widget to put on the home screen that very quickly tells you what your next dose of meds is, and when you take it. Maybe tapping it would take you to the app, but that's all you need.

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  8. 2 votes

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  9. toevoegen van kleefpleister als medicatie. hier is het ook belangrijk om een alarm te geven wanneer deze moet verwijderd worden.

    ik moet minitran kleefpleister gebruiken voor mijn hart. deze moeten 16uur per dag op het lichaam gekleefd zijn en 8uur zonder. Het is dus belangrijk dat het moment van kleven en het moment van verwijderen gemeld en geregistreerd wordt.

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  10. 2 votes

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  11. it will be awesome if you could add a note section for each pill

    I'd like to write a note for each medication that I take. it will be tremendously useful

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  12. 2 votes

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  13. to put an estimate date on which each medicine will be over.

    for example, if I buy 20 pills, display the estimate date every medicine will be over based on the number of pills taken during the day.

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  14. 2 votes

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  15. Allow users to backdate medication start dates to allow for more accurate reporting

    Enable users to select previous dates on the calendar, where these are currently greyed out and non-selectable

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  16. please allow to add photo of medicine along with name, will be very helpful for aged people.

    photo will help to understand medicine well for old age people. also, there should be an option either write my own note for each medicine regarding how to take it or option to choose e.g empty stomach, after breakfast, before lunch , post lunch , before dinner, after dinner, at bedtime etc

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  17. 2 votes

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  18. I need a place where I can change the dosage and delete medications

    my medication dosage has changed anx I need to delete some medicine

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  19. 2 votes

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  20. lijst medicatie database Belgie

    aanpassing database voor België

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