Add custom notification sounds
Custom notifications

We have integrated 5 additional alarms into our latest update. These are louder, longer and more versatile than the previous tones.
To test the new reminders, proceed as follows:
1. You navigate to the tab “Therapy”
2. Under “Therapy”, select a therapy item from the list by clicking on it
3. Then the details of the respective element are opened
4. If you scroll down, you can use the “Alarm” option to try the new ringtones.
Chris O'Grady commented
Is there a fix for the default notification sound not working? There's no Therapy tab to use as an admin posted. It used to work.
Sheila J. Tarangle commented
I don't know what app your using the but one I got from the app store allows you to set an alarm tone but there is no tone sounding. There is also no Therapy tab to click on. For this reason I deleted the app and moved on to the next one.
Laurie. commented
So, the app started out great! Except I can't hear the alarm and there appears to be no way to change the alarm once it's set. There is no "Therapy" tab. Care to enlighten me before I ditch this app?
nam commented
Will Chapman commented
These instructions are out of date (2017) - can someone provide a link to a 2019 version?
Regina commented
Except it's not where you say it's not anywhere.
JC commented
The current default notification is easily missed. Perhaps the app could allow the user to add their own custom notification sound file from their device
Anonymous commented
nastavení vlastního upozornění zvuku
George commented
Why not select the ring tone from the defaults provided on the phone?
michal commented
an option to select custom sounds from device's notifications/alarms/ringtones would be very appreciated...
Ahmad commented
Notification sounds
Carlo commented
Na alarmmelding toon is gestopt,neemt oproep spraakmelding die taak over met tekst : Tijd voor u medicatie, of zo iets als : Vergeet u medicatie niet intenemen.en dat stop past als gebruiker oproep beantwoord.
Lex commented
customized alert tone choices.
michal commented
we should have an option to choose custom sounds from the system notifications...
caj commented
i second the high/ low/ vibrate ideas.
Anonymous commented
Graag eigen meldingsgeluid kunnen kiezen zou fijn zijn
Павел commented
Запись данных времени выставленнтго времени приёма лекарств и фактический когда собственно подтверждено, добавить более подробный отчёт с этим же временем, такой как если нажать кнопку истории во вкладке "сегодня" ну собственные звуки, страница в интернете для слежения за тем же процессом лечения, это могу помочь если хотите)
Jim Fiebrandt commented
different choices of alert music
Steve commented
louder and longer alerts...
Anonymous commented
различные цвета, мелодии для оповещения