When choosing the amount per day it shows the choice for "x" I should. e able to choose the number so that it auto sets the doses to match
choose take x amount daily should allow me to choose a num we for x and thus auto place the doses. such as choosing to take 5 daily will automatically setup 5 doses daily.

Thanks for your suggestion! We will put forward this idea and discuss its feasibility with our team. We will get back to you as soon as we have more news.
Anonymous commented
When entering a medication the app uses "x" to stand in for how often to take a med (take x pills every y hours; take x times a day; take every x days), but I cannot find a place to fill in these values. It would make more sense to have a blank space instead of a "x" so that the patient can fill it in with the actual rx instructions (including the ability to insert directions like: 1-2 pills; 4-6 hours; PRN/as needed).