Prescription Information
I went to the store I thought I had my script at today. It wasn't there. I grabbed my phone thinking "Surely I put the info in the medication info, but no I didn't). Also my at a Dr. appt he asked where to send the script (since a few meds on brands that only a few stores have) and realized it would be nice to have a place to put that info.
If you could put in under "company": PHARMACY, ADDRESS, PHONE #, REFILLS (IF ANY), RX #, & PRESCRIBING DR (maybe date of original script) it would make forgetful moments a little easier.
P.S. with all this info an optional passcode or pass design (my phone has me draw a design using a 3x3 dot box that is better than any # or letter code that comes has no meaning to me at all like # do) be helpful in keeping private info private (if phone is lost & not locked...suggest using a different code).

Thanks for your suggestion! We will put forward this idea and discuss its feasibility with our team. We will get back to you as soon as we have more news.
Anonymous commented
I saw the refill reminder in list but I always seem to forget to fill my pill fob
Anonymous commented
record details of a sick/fit note. record symptoms, advice, and dates. Get reminder before note end date so you can book follow-up appointment if needed. This could also contribute to overview of well being or incorporated into symptoms checker.
Roman commented
Add recipe snapshot option
Ansa commented
For each medication, ask if there are any refills available. Add option to send reminder for when the last refill is used, and doctor will have to call in a new one. Add an option to add a note, so the RX number for the next refill can be recorded (and any other pertinent information). This way, the bottle does not need to be saved (and at hand) in order to call in the refill. I have so many bottles lying around, all for different meds, with a different number of refills and dates, a different pick up date, etc. I can't keep track (and the tiny print does not help either). At the very least, include a space to write in any notes for each medication, so I can write it all in there. (I think adding a space for notes is a good idea no matter what.)
Dave commented
Add to the alarm reminder setting the option to renew a perscription would be nice.
Jorge commented
Que médico receitou medicamento? Witch Doctor prescrive witch pill?
me commented
Need to add pharmacy data and entryfor multiple doctors
Anonymous commented
add the option for multiple pharmacies if possible, and potentially integrate the ability to request to refill prescriptions (many pharmacies even have apps for this). With this in mind there may be more information that must be added for each prescription- RX, refills remaining, refill date, but that would be nice as well. Regardless I'd be happy if there was just a place you cut put your pharmacy information.
Aristides Junior commented
Poderia adicionar campo para registrar a data de validade dos medicamentos, bem como uma prévia notificação dos que estão para vencer.
Bob Hunter commented
My doctor issues repeat prescription directly to my pharmacy. My pharmacy takes my instruction by text or email to dispense a new script and posts the medication to me. it would be good to link an email/text request from within this App with my medicine inventory.