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  1. be able to delete activities from the activity list (iOS)  ·  under review

  2. Quick time option when confirming activity  ·  under review

  3. Add a calendar function so you can see what medication you need to take at a certain date-handy for birth control especially

  4. nomenclature des médicaments

  5. show the scale for the graphs and start at zero for all monthly and weekly graphs. (it's painful to look at)  ·  under review

  6. integrate with Samsung Health

  7. Add tracking capability when explicitly stated "no".

  8. to make it possible to record the time of taking the meds each day. Sometimes we don't take meds exactly on the recommended time

  9. make a setting so people can change the notification light color.  ·  under review

  10. Eingabe von Serienterminen bei den Teammitgliedern  ·  gathering feedback

  11. Übernahme von Med.-Umbenennungen ins Protokoll ("Fortschritt")

  12. Add an option to auto-skip a medication dose if its progress remains unknown for more a day or so, or at least past the next scheduled dose.  ·  under review

  13. indication du poids  ·  under review

  14. Change the Scheduler Add tons of options. instead of forcing us to input a set time make it so we can say once in morn & 1 at night  ·  under review

  15. Provide widgets to make tracking even easier.  ·  under review

  16. Sarebbe utile avere una funzione che permette di inserire l'assunzione già effettuata di un farmaco prima di aver iniziato ad usare l'app.  ·  under review

  17. pouvoir trier les stock par nombre de jours en réserve

  18. Sleep Diary: Add sleep as an activity or allow users to enter sleep/wake times and rate sleep quality.  ·  under review

  19. fügen beim Klick auf "Wohlbefinden" einen Filter ein, dass nur Tage angezeigt werden, an denen ein bestimmtes Symptom eingegeben wurde.

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