Collection of Ideas for MyTherapy
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227 results found
I'd like to be able to set a Mon -Fri medication schedule AND add twice a day. I can only seem to choose one or the other, but not both
I'd like to be able to set a Mon -Fri medication schedule AND add twice a day. I can only seem to choose one or the other, but not both
1 vote -
Make a rotating chart for injectable medication
I take two injectable medications and need to rotate the injection sites. I also take pills. So I need an app that does injections and pills!!!
And to set a start date! Every 21 days does not start the day I installed the App!1 vote -
create a list of all medications (not in report format)
just a list of all medications
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Tell Alexa or Google that you are taking the pill. To mark off for the day
Alexa Google integration
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1 vote
add an 'Other' button or 'prefer not to anwser' for trans people that use this!
I am trans/non-binary and it gives me pretty shitty dysphoria to choose one. I think it would be helpful to add it in. stay safe
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Give us a way to let us change our email address, that way we don't have to delete our account and start from scratch.
I use an Android phone but I don't use the Gmail account for my email anymore. I signed up with my Gmail address but I don't use it anymore. As you can see by the email I have listed is my new email address.
2 votes -
1 vote
Ability to delete hidden progress data. I have multiple spelling I used over time and have duplicate entries by different names.
Delete hidden progress data, ability to change progress data titles, move data from one data point to another. As I was prescribed different doses of the same med I had to edit the original med to include more info, so new progress data was generated and it was disconnected from the original data only because I had to change the name of the treatment entry.
1 vote -
please don't vibrate when I swap a medication to Done
because I swap multiple items and vibrated for each. it gets annoying when it's so many!!
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добавьте пожалуйста возможность синхронизации с облаком.
добавьте пожалуйста возможность синхронизации с облаком.
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1 vote
1 vote
it would be great if I could add profiles or something so I can keep track of my children's meds too.
Track kids meds too.
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Add custom labs, activities and symptoms entry option similar to medication entry.
Free text entry options for labs, activities and symptoms
4 votes -
Исправьте, пожалуйста, небольшой недочёт: нет возможности изменить единицы, установленные по умолчанию, когда пытаешься добавить незапланированную запись. В частности, переключить единицы молярной концентрации из мг/дл (по умолчанию) на ммоль/л.
А также учтите, пожалуйста, мои пожелания из оценки приложения: "Твёрдая 4. Использую недавно, на первое ощущение всё замечательно, хорошее оформление, много интересных полезных функций. Но, на мой взгляд, один ОГРОМНЫЙ, существенный недостаток - это звуковое уведомление. Первые разы я даже не понял, что это за звук и даже не услышал. Разработчики, сделайте, пожалуйста, звук 1. погромче; 2. поагрессивнее; 3. сделайте возможность выбора звука оповещения и не только из стандартного набора, но…
1 vote -
As a user, I'd like the ability to alter the notification sound with any system or custom sound.
App makes taking my medicine sound so sad.
2 votes -
1 vote
Next to myself I need an extra setting for my dog who needs a medicine every 2 other days. Is that possible?
Next to myself I need an extra setting for my dog who needs a medicine every 2 other days. Is that possible?
1 vote
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